shoresh david messianic synagogues
Tampa LocationShalom!
Welcome to Shoresh David Messianic Synagogue’s home on the web. We are 4 congregations of Jews and non-Jews who worship the Lord together in unity. Our congregational family believes that it can make a difference in West Central Florida by bringing a spirit of love and grace to everyone we meet. We believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah of Israel, and it is through knowing Him that we can express unconditional love. We love to have
It might be that all your questions are not answered on this website. For more information, please call our office at (813) 831-5673 or e-mail me at .
In Messiah,
Rabbi Steve Weiler
Senior Rabbi, Shoresh David Messianic Synagogues

Steve and Pat Weiler
Senior Rabbi and Rebbitzen
Click Here To Read Biography »
Frequently Asked Questions for Visitors
What is the weekend schedule?
Friday night (Erev Shabbat service) begins at 7:30pm and ends approximately at
On the second Friday night of each month, there is a Family Shabbat Dinner instead of our traditional service. There is a nominal charge for catered food, and it begins at
On Saturday, our Shabbat service begins at
On the first weekend of the month, we have men’s and women’s fellowship meetings. Consider that there is some flexibility with our schedule. Sometimes we have Hebrew classes Saturday morning and dance classes. Other times we might have musical instruction for our children Saturday afternoons. For further information, view our Events Calendar or contact us.
What can I expect at services?
Our services contain prayer, praise and worship music, liturgy, and a message from the Rabbi. We have presentation screens at the front of the sanctuary. They contain Hebrew, transliteration (Hebrew using English letters) and translation of Hebrew words for our song lyrics, liturgy, Scriptures
What is the etiquette during the service?
Men are encouraged to wear a kippah (head covering). Everyone is encouraged to dress and act modestly. Most people come to services “dressy casual.” But you will notice a variety
Is it true that there is dancing as part of praise and worship?
We incorporate Israeli dance as a worship expression during parts of the service. Both men and women are free to participate, even if you are not familiar with the dance steps.
Is childcare available for
babies and toddlers?
Yes, the nursery opens before service and it is available throughout the entire service for babies and toddlers, 0-3 years.
Because of our safety procedures, please be sure to sign your child in and out of the nursery and complete a registration card. Pick up your child immediately after the conclusion of the service.
If staying for the
Is there a children’s program?
Children ages 4-12 participate in the main service until they are dismissed for Shabbat School (approximately 12:00 noon). Children must be registered using the yellow Shabbat School card when they attend for the first time. This can be done in the classroom. Shabbat School ends about the same time as the adult service in the Sanctuary is over.
Is there a program for the teens?
The youth group (TAG – The Anointed Generation) ages 12-19 usually leave the service approximately
Are there others things I should know about the service?
Join in with Hebrew and English songs and liturgy as much, or as little, as you feel comfortable. We would prefer that you not wave worship flags/banners because of the ceiling fans and due to lack of space in the sanctuary.
If I am a Jew who does not believe in Yeshua (Jesus), am I welcome to visit?
Absolutely! We welcome everyone! Since there is such diversity in the Jewish population, we can’t be sure that we can meet everyone’s needs, but we strive to have a service that will be spiritually enriching and strengthen your walk with God, regardless whether you are extremely religious or not religious at all.
If I am a Christian, and belong to a church, am I welcome to visit?
Absolutely! We welcome everyone! We would love for you to experience the Jewishness of your faith. Bring your entire family and friends too.